Questions - Answered
We hope we have anticipated all your questions, if we haven't, please contact us...it may also be something we need to share with others

Parking is available in the paddock opposite the event, approximately 4km along the Mangaeturoa South Road on the right-hand side. It will be well sign posted. Please follow the parking marshall's instructions.
Entries are done online via the registration portal.
Event registration will be held at “The Centre”, 14 Seddon Street, Raetihi on Fri 7th Mar 2025, from 3pm-7pm. We encourage all entrants to attend between these times.
If you have registered on Friday night you do not need to re-register on Saturday morning – just arrive at least 30 minutes before your start time.
Late Registration – Friday afternoon and until 8.30am on the day.
Are there any age restrictions?
We have a wide range of events to cater for most, but to ensure the event is safe for our participants the following apply.
Trail Run/Walk
21km Run | Minimum age 16 years
11km Run or Walk | Parent or guardian approval is required for those Under 14 years
6km Run or Walk | We suggest that Children under 11 years participate with a parent of guardian
4km Run or Walk | This is for everyone. Young children are the responsibility of a parent or guardian.
Obstacle Course Racing
3km Firestarter | Minimum age 10 years
7km Fireball | Minimum age 14 years
10km Firestorm | Minimum age 14 years
1.5km Mini Flames | Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult. Maximum age 12 years.
What gear do I have to carry
There is no compulsory gear BUT it is strongly recommended that all participants have a rain jacket, thermal top, hat and gloves especially if the weather is bad. Dress to the conditions!
Due to the high altitude of the property the weather can be unpredictable. It is also essential that you bring a change of clothes.
Aid Stations are approximately 5km apart, but for your own safety and piece of mind consider carrying any additional food and hydration you prefer or may need
Where and how do I attach my timing tag?
Your tag is designed to slip under the laces of your shoes. It will be secure. If you want to watch a short video of how, check this out: Timing Tag Video
Where do I find the results
Live results will be available throughout the race and online. Either download the Barefoot Sports App, or click this link. 2025 Results here
Live Timing
Barefoot Sports will be taking care of timing and provide live results throughout the event.
The timing system will be generating live results for all starters and finishers in each event. A downloadable certificate of completion will also be made available online (details will be emailed out during race week).
Competitors in the 21 km will be able to be tracked thanks to the additional four timing mats placed around so your supporters can follow on a live tracking app (details will be emailed out during race week).
Prize Giving
Prize giving for all events will be at 1pm at the start/finish area. We acknowledge that not everyone will have finished at this stage. Some great spot prizes and trophies up for grabs.
Blazing Hills Trails - top 3 male and female athletes in the 21km, 11km, and 6km events will receive a trophy. No merit prizes for walkers or age group placings will be acknowledged; however, they will show in the results.
Blazing Hills OCR - top 3 male and female athletes in the 10km, 7km, 3km, and Triferno events will receive a trophy. Age group, and Teams merit prizes will also be awarded for the competitive grade OCR. There will be no merit prizes for the open grade OCR; however, they will show in the results. Mini flames will not be timed.
There will be outdoor games, food and drink at the venue, so stay and enjoy the fun!
Medals or Trees
All finishers will receive a unique medal acknowledging their achievement when they cross the finish line unless you have chosen to make a donation of a tree to the Makōtuku Track instead. Thank you for thinking of our future environment.
No Dogs
We are crossing working farms, for the health and safety of our animals and other participants, please leave your canine friends at home.
First Aid Assistance on Course
The Waimarino Volunteer Fire Brigade will be our first aid responders and carry a comprehensive first aid kit. They will be available event base at the finish line, and one first aider will also accompany the tail-end Charlie on a 4x4 quad behind the trail run competitors.
Some of our marshals will also be first aid responders. If you feel unwell at any point, please let a marshal know and they can either administer aid or call for more experienced support.
If you find yourself alone and too far from the last or next marshal, find somewhere to sit on the track, use your emergency gear, and alert the next runner that you need assistance.
If you find someone in distress or injured on the course, please stay with them. Do not attempt to race forward, or back, looking for assistance. Wait for the next runner, or tail-end Charlie to arrive.
The organisers and first aid staff reserve the right to withdraw any entrant that they consider should not continue for medical reasons.
Marshals on Course (to be help you on your way)
There will be Marshals stationed approximately every 2km along the trail runs and at every obstacle in the OCR event. Marshals also at the Aid Stations. The Marshals will be wearing high-vis vests. They will be there to help with specific Obstacle rules and if you require any assistance or directions. Please follow their directions. If they believe you are in distress, their instruction to you will be either take a break or withdraw from the race.
Are there any road crossings?
Competitors in the 21km trail race will run a short distance (approx. 1.2km) along the Mangaeturoa South Road.
All OCR events will cross the road a couple of times
The road will not be closed for this event.
Marshals will be provided for the crossings and be at either end of the trail run road segment monitoring the traffic.
Please take care whilst on the road and keep to the left-hand side.
What if I need to withdraw during the event?
We understand sometimes things don't go your way. If for any reason, you are unable to continue, please either advise a marshal, or advise an official at the finish line.
Not knowing who has withdrawn can cause a headache for our team as they search for you on course :-(
Toilets and showers
There are toilets available at the event hub, (start/finish line area), and showers will also be available for the OCR athletes needing that post mudrun wash off!
What is at the Aid stations
Drinking water, lollies and Tailwind Endurance Fuel will be provided at aid stations. Basic first aid support will also be available at all aid stations.
Can I buy food and drinks at the event?
Our locally sourced food options are fast becoming legendary. Amazing fresh hot food and drink options will be available for sale at the Event Hub. Cash and Eftpos options available.
We have a liquor license and an outdoor bar area! Beer will be available (Please ensure you have a designated driver)
Event Cancellation
As a team, just like you, we really want to ensure the event goes ahead and will only cancel things if we believe it is unsafe for you, our volunteers and event team or otherwise advised.
The Race Director/Organisers reserves the right to cancel the event in the advent of adverse weather, unsafe track conditions. Alerts will be on our website and Facebook page at the earliest opportunity.
If the event is cancelled entirely, the Organising Committee will make the maximum refund possible to competitors. bearing in mind that many of our costs will be incurred prior to event day.
Where should I stay, eat, and play?
Raetihi and nearby Ohakune are wonderful places to base your adventure...
Camping is available at the newly refurbished Mangaeturoa School for $20 per person. There is a pool, changing rooms, an outdoor kitchen and a tennis court!
Check out all the options on Raetihi.nz and VisitRuapehu.com; your up to date and official sources of everything you need!
Camping at Mangaeturoa School
The camping is $20 per person or $30 per campervan. Tick box on entry form.
The campsite is situated at the beginning of the 10 Mangaeturoa South Road on the righthand side as you come along the road. It is approx. 4km from the event.
The school site has:
Outdoor kitchen
Toilets (NO showers – bring your own.)
Tennis court
More details & FAQs for Obstacle Course Racing (OCR)
For all your questions about the exciting new Obstacle Course Races, check out our OCR info page.
OCR Questions
First timer OCR racer or experienced pro. Here are some extra details that might help.
Obstacle Course Participant - Additional Guidelines
Obstacle Completion
Blazing Hills OCR is a challenge by choice event. At no point during the event will any athlete be pressured into performing or completing anything they do not wish to.
If you lack the skill to engage in an obstacle or have any condition which might be affected by any obstacle, you may choose not to participate in that particular obstacle.
In the open event categories, passing on an obstacle does not require mandatory penalty completion but is an option for those wanting the full event experience.
For the competitive event categories, penalty completion as a result of obstacle failure or passing, is mandatory. Note: In the competitive categories, all athletes must have a fair attempt at the obstacle, or qualified reason for no attempt before being deemed as failed. Opting for the penalty without a fair attempt, or qualified reason, will be grounds for disqualification. If you have queries around this before race day, please contact us for clarification.
You must adhere to all instructions from our event officials/ marshals and first aid team. Failure to do so will result in removal from the course and disqualification.
Heavy Obstacle Challenges-
The heavy lifts and carries i.e.: Tyre flips, Bucket carries, Sandbags, Water containers, Tyre drags etc, carry with them a degree of risk and require strength and skill to complete. All competitors will have the opportunity to decline lifting any of the above objects if it is deemed to be outside of their skill level or capability personally, or by the marshals at the obstacle itself.
In this case, a penalty will apply instead of the obstacle. (Optional for Open category athletes)
Event Guidelines for Heavy Lifting Obstacles
To help prevent injury to yourself and fellow competitors during heavy lifting obstacles, please follow these recommended guidelines:
Assess the object: Before lifting, evaluate the weight of the object and whether you have the strength to lift it safely.
Position yourself properly: Get as close to the object as possible, keeping your elbows and arms close to your body.
Engage your core: Keep your back straight by engaging your abdominal muscles.
Lift with your legs: Bend at your knees, hips, and ankles to lift, keeping the load close to your body and centered in front of you.
Look ahead: Keep your head up and eyes forward while lifting.
Secure a good handhold: Ensure you have a firm grip on the object before lifting.
Avoid twisting: Do not twist your body while lifting or carrying the object.
Place items down carefully: Be mindful when lowering heavy objects—do not throw them down. Ensure your or others’ toes and other body parts are clear of danger.
Following these guidelines will help keep everyone safe during the event.
Do I need prior experience to participate in the event
No prior experience is required! The courses are suitable for beginners as well as seasoned athletes. There are 2 grades of competition to choose from. The open grade is for those just wanting to have a go and have FUN! For those shooting for a podium and looking for points to go towards national qualification through the NZOSA, there is a competitive grade option. Our team will provide support and instructions at each obstacle.
What kind of obstacles can I expect?
Courses will feature a mix of natural and constructed challenges, including but not limited to heavy hauls, climbing walls, crawl nets, balance beams, rope climbs, mud and water obstacles, monkey bars and of course, steep hills. The exact details will be revealed closer to the event.
What kind of training should I complete to prepare?
OCR training should focus on improving overall strength, endurance, and agility. Here are some areas to focus on:
Upper body strength: Include exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and rope climbs to prepare for obstacles that require pulling yourself up, or over walls.
Cardio fitness: Running on trails, interval sprints, or uphill runs will help build the endurance needed to handle both the distance and the obstacles.
Core stability: Planks, crunches, and other core exercises will help with balance and stability on obstacles.
Grip strength: Hanging exercises, deadlifts, or carrying heavy objects will improve your grip strength and endurance for suspension obstacles, and those involving ropes, bars, or heavy lifts. A great place to train for grip strength is your local playground, check the monkey bars!
Agility: Incorporate lateral movements like agility ladder drills or jumping exercises to improve coordination for moving quickly between obstacles.
Do I need special gear or equipment for the race?
We recommend wearing comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing and trail shoes with good grip. Taping your shoes can help them stay on esp. in the muddy swamps! We recommend bringing a towel and a change of clothes for after the race. Gloves can also be a good option to protect your hands for certain obstacles.
Is there a time limit for each obstacle?
There is no time limit for individual obstacles, but there are cut off times for each OCR. Please see our event details for cut off times for each course. We do encourage athletes to keep moving to maintain the flow of the event. For those taking on the Triferno, you will need finish each of your courses promptly, so you have enough time to get ready to start each subsequent race. Our team will be there to support you through each course.
Can I skip an obstacle?
Yes, in the open grade, you can skip an obstacle if you are uncomfortable or unable to complete it. Also within the open grade categories, the penalty for skipping an obstacle is optional. For the competitive grades however, every obstacle must have a sincere attempt before a penalty can be taken. Penalties are mandatory for the competitive grades. We do encourage everyone to try their best. It's all about challenging yourself and having fun!
What time should I arrive on race day?
Athletes are advised to arrive at least an hour before their race start time to allow for check-in and warm-up.
Want to know more?
Interested in finding out more, volunteering, retailing or sponsoring our trail run and walks - then get in touch!
Email Donna
Event Director - Blazing Hills
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