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Blazing Hills are destined to become must-do events for locals and visitors alike.  Whichever event you choose, you can be sure that a memorable experience awaits for anyone that loves to get outdoors.

All payments are taken in NZ$ and entries are via our online platform

Entry Details

Event Category

Early Bird Entry
(Up to 06/01)

Standard Entry

Late Entry
(24/02 - 07/03)

3km Run / Walk**




6km Run / Walk




9km Run / Walk




20.5km Run





  • **Entry fee includes one accompanying adult for each child

  • See Questions section for more details on Age Restrictions.  Minimum age for 20.5km is 16 years.

  • An additional processing fee of 1.75% will be applied to all online entries by the entry portal to cover bank charges and processing.

Entry fee includes:

  • Race transponder

  • Aid stations with water, Tailwind Endurance Fuel and lollies

  • Medical support and assistance on the course

  • Finishers medal or the option to donate a tree to Makotuku Track.  Please make this choice when you enter.

  • Spot prizes at finish line for lucky athletes

  • Race day village including outdoor games, food and drink vendors and lots of local fun

Participant Rules

All participants entering this event have agreed to a waiver – they enter and participate at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions at all times. There is no liability to the event organisers or landowners, sponsors, or other associated parties

Participants under 16 years of age must be entered by their parent/guardian

The event organiser may alter, postpone or cancel the event, without refund.

Participants must always give way to traffic, remain inside the marked course and keep to the marked trail. They must follow the course as explained at the race briefing. Failure to do so could lead to disqualification.

No dogs are allowed on the event site.

Please keep on the left-hand side of the track and single file to allow faster competitors to pass.

When overtaking other runners/walker you must signal to them that you are attempting to pass.

Please respect and treat fellow participants with care. Be friends out there, make some new ones.

At all times, participants must obey instructions given to them by the Event officials/Marshals and First Aid Personnel

As the courses are across working farms, no accompanying animals are not allowed on the course.

Courses are not suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs.

Earphone and ear plug music devises are not to be used

Participants must not be accompanied on course by anyone not entered in the event, except in the 3km where parents/guardians are welcome to accompany their children on foot free of charge.

All participants must attend the pre-race briefing on the start line, 5mins prior to each start

You must wear your event transponder throughout the race. On completing the event you must cross the finish line as the timing transponder records you as finishing – this is used as a safety check for participants.

Participants who require any personal medication or disability assistance devices while participating must carry those items. This is your responsibility.

No littering please.

If you are entered in a walking event you must walk only.

The organisers, marshals and first aid staff reserve the right to withdraw any entrant that they consider should not continue for medical reasons.

Withdrawals / Transfers and Refunds

Withdraw/Refund Policy

Should you need to withdraw from the event, the following refund policy will apply.


Refund %

Up to 23 Feb 2024

Entry fee less 70%

After 24 Feb

No refund

Event Cancellation

The Race Director/Organisers reserves the right to cancel the event in the advent of adverse weather, unsafe track conditions. Alerts will be on our website and Facebook page at the earliest opportunity.

If the event is cancelled entirely, the Organising Committee will make the maximum refund possible to competitors.

Health and Safety

The safety of all people associated with the event is of paramount importance.  The event will be run with a strong focus on safety standards. With any outdoor sporting event there are risks involved.  Please be prepared and take care to avoid and minimised the risks that you will encounter on race day. 

Safety management systems used will include course markings, traffic management, emergency planning and participant briefing.

Risks to be aware of may include:

  • Accident/injury

  • Extreme weather conditions including flooding, rain and snow

  • Getting lost

  • Dehydration

  • Heat stroke / Hyperthermia

  • Fatigue

  • Medical problems

  • Poor fitness

  • Vehicles/public roads/competitors/spectators hit by traffic

  • The course is partially run on a public road and is open to vehicular traffic. At all times you must watch for traffic and obey traffic management instructions. Course marshals are in place for direction only. Where traffic is involved, participants must take responsibility for their own decisions and actions

  • Entrants must be prepared for the possibility of cold or hot weather and dress accordingly

  • Sunscreen is recommended

  • Please bring spare clothing for after you finish

  • First Aid is based at start/finish line complex and will be around the course

  • In the event of collapse or a severe medical incident, do not move the patient. Encourage another participant run to the nearest aid station or marshal and they will arrange for first aid. Keep the participant warm while waiting for first aid

Conditions of Entry

When you sign up through our entry portal: Race Roster, you will be asked to "sign" the waiver with the following conditions of entry.

Conditions of Entry

  1. I have read and understand the information regarding this event and understand that I participate in this event at my own risk.

  2. All competitors compete at their own risk and agree to abide by rules and observe safety requirements.

  3. I hereby attest and verify that I am physically fit and have trained sufficiently for this event.

  4. I have provided correct and accurate information about myself and my emergency contact, including contact phone numbers and medical details.

  5. I acknowledge that although the organisers have medical personnel and resources at various points along the course, the distances involved could make it difficult for medical assistance to reach me immediately and extractions may take a period of time.

  6. I agree to allow event medical staff to treat me as they see fit.

  7. I hereby allow the use of my name and image to be used in the media and for marketing purposes for this event only.

  8. I will always stay on the marked course, unless instructed by event staff.

  9. I will obey all course markings

  10. I will wear or take the compulsory safety equipment required by the event.

  11. I accept I may be pulled from the course at any time at the discretion of event staff, primarily for, but not limited to, safety reasons.

  12. I will complete the entire course under my own power.

  13. I will not litter

  14. Any participant who is unable to finish the event must inform the nearest event staff of their decision to withdraw.

  15. I hereby acknowledge this waiver, release and indemnity discharge all persons, corporations, associations, and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the event and their servants, agents, representatives, offices, and employees.  This includes but is not limited to the various committees, members, and employees of all independent contracted suppliers to the event, local councils, landowners, cities and districts and their respective officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, representatives, agents, volunteers, event organisers and sponsors whether or not the loss, injury or damage is attributed to the act of neglect of any or more of them.

  16. I also understand that my contact details will be added to the events database, and that I will receive emails directly from Blazing Hills Events. I understand that I can unsubscribe from this database at any time.  The event will not, under any circumstances, distribute at any time the contact details of those on the event database.

  17. Violations of any rules may be grounds for disqualification from Blazing Hills Events for one or more years.

  18. In accepting the entry conditions, you are bound to all matters relating to the event and accept that any decisions the Organising Committee makes will be final. 

  19. The Organising Committee reserves the right, at their absolute discretion, to refuse entry to individuals whom they deem to not be capable of safely completing the event.

  20. Entries to Blazing Hills Events are NOT transferable.

  21. Strictly one entry per person, per event.

  22. The competing athlete MUST be the person named on the entry and could be asked for formal identification.

  23. In accepting the entry conditions, you are authorising your name, voice, photograph, video or any information provided on your entry form to be used, without payment, in any public broadcast, telecast, advertising, promotion, social media setting or in any other way relating to this event.

  24. Under no circumstances will the Organising Committee, its sponsors, or any party associated with the event including their employees or agents, have any responsibility or be liable in contract, tort or otherwise, to compensate any competitor or any other party that is directly or indirectly associated with that competitor, for any loss, (including financial loss), injury, damage or death arising directly or indirectly from: (a) their intended or actual participation in the event and its related activities; (b) any act, omission, error or delay (whether negligent or otherwise) of the Organising Committee, sponsors or any party associated with the event or its employees or agents.

  25. Any complaints regarding the events will be handled by the Blazing Hills Event committee.